Need ideas for cooking? Here's some of our favourite recipes!
Blackcurrant Coulis
Our blackcurrant coulis is an excellent way to start the day! Treat yourself by putting it on your greek yogurt, in a smoothie, or even straight on pancakes or waffles. Of course, on ice cream as well!
Burrata, cherry tomatoes, and black balsamic
Red Currant Vinegar Dip
This Dip is nice and simple
1/3 Red Currant Vinegar
2/3 Olive Oil
Pinch of Salt
Take your serving plate and add all the above ingredients with respective proportions. Goes well with a nice baguette or another soft bread.
Simply rip or cut the bread, dip, and enjoy!
Potatoes and blackcurrant spread

250g of small potatoes
100g Roasted Red Peppers
75g Sliced Bacon
125g Blackcurrant Spread
20g French Shallots
Wash, rinse and then cook potatoes in salted water, allow to cool.
Cut bacon into small pieces and cook until crunchy; drain grease.
Cut roasted red peppers into small pieces.
Chop shallots and potatoes to desired size.
Mix everything together and top with some freshly cracked black pepper.
Martin Pronovost
et Pierre-Alexandre Gervais
Moulin Saint-Laurent Chefs
Cool vanilla vinegar roasted beet salad (Monastère des Augustines)
For 4 people:
6 Medium Peeled Beets
3 TSP Vanilla Vinegar Du Capitaine
1 TBSP Old-Fashion Mustard
1 Lemon (Juice and zest)
2 Handfuls of Spinach
1 TBSP Roasted Sunflower Seeds
1 TBSP Whole Roasted Almonds, Crushed
1 TBSP Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
50 G. Feta Cheese Crumbled
Chopped French parsley and Basil (optional)
Organic Olive Oil
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper

Quarter beets, coat in oil and season
Place beets on baking pan lined with Parchment paper
Cook in oven at 400F for 20 minutes or until cooked through (Pierce with a fork to check for doneness; little to no resistance means they're done)
In a mixing bowl, toss the beets with the vanilla vinegar. Allow to cool slightly
Add roasted nuts and grains, mustard, juice and zest from lemon and seasoning
Add Spinach and mix. Garnish with crumbled feta.
And Dig in!
This salad is succulent served as either an appetizer or main dish and is a perfect accompaniment to grilled trout, a gravlax, smoked salmon. As well as fowl such as chicken or duck breast. Also porc tenderloins.
Nicolas Perni
Head chef of the restaurant at
du Monastère des Augustines
"This vinegar is magic! Gentle and aromatic,
it's notes of grilled almonds and caramel
wake up upon contact with the warm beets."
Black Garlic Vinegar Wonton Soup

Cut into Large Chunks
- 5 carrots
- 1 red onion
- 5 Shallots
- 1 Squash
- 4 Sticks of Celeri

Garnish: Thyme, Rosemary, Basil, Parsley
Put into a large pot
- 5 Laurel leaves
- 20 Black Pepper Grains
- 2 TSP of "Herbes de Provence" mix
- 250 g of Cubed Chicken
- 250 G of Cubed Beef
- 250 G of Cubed Porc
- 4 De-Boned Chicken Carcasses
- 8 L of Water
- The Garnish Mix
- The Cubed Vegetables
- Put on High Heat and Bring to Boil
- Allow to simmer for 2 hours
- Halfway through the simmer, after an hour or so, add 6 TSP of Black Garlic Vinegar Du Capitaine or more to taste
- After 2 hours, take off the heat
- Filter the broth through a fine mesh tamis
- Allow the broth to cool in the fridge for 12 hours
- Remove the fat on top of the broth once it hardens
- Re-Heat the Broth over Medium Heat
- Add, your choice, dumplings or rice
- Serve once the rice or dumplings are to desired doneness
- Add soy sauce and minced shallots
* Instead of dumplings or rice - add potato chips (No, seriously!) - the crispier they are, the better they will be in the soup.
Recipe from Yves Blanchette, of the BNB, "La Maison de L'Ile",St-Jean de L'Ile d'Orléans.
Red Currant Compote
250g organic red currant
50g of sugar
Put the currant and the sugar in a saucepan and simmer to reduce the water in the fruits and to give it a slightly more syrupy texture. Stir occasionally and keep an eye on it.
– Hugo Lavallée, Chef – Restaurant Madame Chose
Du Capitaine Balsamic Jelly
400ml Du Capitaine grape balsamic
600ml water
10g agar agar powder
Bring the balsamic and water to a boil.
Add the well-dissolved agar.
Bring back to a boil, pour into a flat container and let cool.
Mix the cooled mixture and add a little hot water if necessary to have a nice smooth jelly.
Keeps for a few weeks in the fridge.
Fine Wild Spruce Sauce
4 Servings:
1/2 cup coarsely chopped capers
1/2 cup coarsely chopped parsley
1 teaspoon chopped chives
30 ml organic spruce vinegar
30 ml camelina oil
30 ml light-tasting oil and freshly ground pepper
Prepare one hour before use.
Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Serve at room temperature with grilled red meats: beef steak or rib steak, filet mignon.
Delicious with game and wild meats: venison, bison.
– Martin Pronovost, Chef – Le Moulin Saint-Laurent
Blackcurrant Vinaigrette
2 tbsp. tablespoon white currant vinegar
1 1/2 tsp. blackcurrant mustard
1 teaspoon blackcurrant pulp
1 1/4 cup canola oil
1 cup cranberry seed oil
1 pinch of salt
Mix the vinegar, mustard, blackcurrant pulp and salt. Emulsify with the oils. Tip: use an immersion blender. If the vinaigrette seems thick, dilute it with a little warm water.
Apple & Maple Chicken
The magic of sweet and salty!
4 pieces of chicken (breast or thigh)
1 tablespoon butter
150 ml (10 tbsp.) Du Capitaine organic maple sap vinegar
75 ml (5 tablespoons) maple syrup
2 medium apples
Oil for cooking chicken
Salt & pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 350°F
Heat the skillet, add the oil.
Sear the chicken pieces in the oil, on both sides. Salt and pepper.
Place the breasts in a baking dish. Bake 20 minutes. Remove the breasts from the oven and cover with aluminum foil.
Brown the apples in the butter. Deglaze with sap vinegar, bring to a boil and moisten with maple syrup.
Place the chicken breast on the plate and cover with the apple sauce. Serve with your favorite vegetables and starch.
– Martin Pronovost, Chef – Le Moulin de Saint-Laurent
Honey and Ice Cidre Vinegar Lacquered Piglet (Les Sales Gosses)

For 6 people
150 ml Ice Cider Vinegar Du Capitaine
100 ml Honey
3 Garlic Cloves
1 Laurel Leaf
3 Thyme branches
2 g Whole Black Peppercorns
1 Sage branch
900 g of beer or honey ham
1 TSP butter
For the laquer:
Combine all the ingredients, except the ham, in a casserole on low heat.
Infuse for 15 minutes without allowing to reduce.
Put in fridge to cool.
For the ham:
Cut your ham (whichever kind you prefer will do) in small pieces around 150 g or to personal preference.
In a oven safe non-stick pan or cast iron, brown the ham in butter.
Allow the fat to render from the ham and then apply laquer to the ham.
Coat the ham well until the laquer starts to reduce and then put the whole thing in the oven for 5 minutes at 350 degrees.
Serve on your favourite vegetables or as accompaniment to a mushrooms risotto with butternut squash.
Patrick Simon
Chef at Les Sales Gosses
Blackcurrant Vinegar Porc Square

Velvety Blackcurrant Sourness Beef Tartar with balsamic vinegar tomato salad
For 500 G of beef (4 pers.)2 chopped French shallots 20 G chopped pickles 1 Bunch of Chopped Chives 5 sprigs of chopped flat-leaf parsley 30 G Blackcurrant Mustard 1 Egg Yolk 15 ml Blackcurrant Vinegar 25 ml Vegetable Oil 25 ml Olive Oil 25 ml Blackcurrant Sourness 1.5 G Cayenne pepper Powder Salt | For the Tomato salad: 1 Garlic Clove 20 ml Balsamic Vinegar Du Capitaine 60 ml Olive Oil 15 G Blackcurrant Mustard Du Capitaine 4 Basil Leaves 1.5 Tomatoes per person Pepper Salt |
As with an aioli, extend the yolk with the blackcurrant mustard, the cayenne pepper, the blackcurrant vinegar Du Capitaine and the oils.
Then, add the blackcurrant sourness, the herbs and the meat.
Add salt and pepper to the seasoning as needed.
Serve with the balsamic tomato salad.
Season with the Cayenne pepper powder to taste.
Mix the garlic clove with the blackcurrant mustard, the basil and the vinaigre balsamique, while continuing to mix.
Extend the vinaigrette with the olive oil.
Season with salt and pepper and a little water if it's too thick.
Stéphane Roth
Chef at Be Club - Bistro bar
Fish and seafood
Blackcurrant sourness lobster

Homemade aioli:
4 egg yolks
50 G mustard
Canola oil as needed
35 ml jus de citron
35 ml orange juice salt and pepper
Blackcurrant sourness mayonaise:
100 G blackcurrant sourness
Mix with 250 G of mayonnaise (homemade as above or store-bought)
If making your own mayo: Mix egg yolks with mustard, then extend with the canola oil. Little by little, add the lemon and orange juice, then salt and pepper.
Lobster preparation:
Cook lobster then remove meat from shell
Cut large chunks of lobster in slices and place on toasted pieces of bread
On top, add a dollop of the blackcurrant sourness mayo with a sprig of dill.
With the smaller pieces, such as legs and knuckles, make a salad with the chives and blackcurrant sourness mayo.
You may even replace the lobster with other shellfish or white meat.
Stéphane Roth
Chef at Be Club - Bistro Bar
Ice Cider Vinegar and Granny Smith Apple Chipagane Oysters (Les Sales Gosses)

12 Chipagane Oysters (or your favourite variety)
100 ml Ice Cider Vinegar Du Capitaine
25 ml Olive Oil
1 Small Grey Shallot
1 Granny Smith Apple
1 Lemon
Cut shallot finely. Cut apple in half, put on half aside for decoration later and cut the other half into brunoise (2mm cubes).
Mix the shallot, vinegar, apple, and olive oil.
Add juice from half a lemon (around 15 ml) and season to taste with salt, pepper, and Tabasco sauce.
Keep mix cold until needed. Clean oysters well with a brush under cold water.
Shuck oysters.
To serve, you may either leave oysters whole or chop to make a tartar:
- For whole oysters, simply place a little of the mix and ice cider vinegar on each oyster.
- For oyster tartar, mix oysters and dressing and serve inside shells. Serve very cold with your preferred accompaniments.
Patrick Simon
Chef at Les Sales Gosses
White Currant Vinegar Marinated Salmon (Gravlax) - Translation unavailable due to recipe being a picture, apologies.
Special thanks to M. Pascal Lorimier who shared with us this fabulous recipe.
- You may also replace the white wine vinegar with the white currant vinegar Du Capitaine

Blackcurrant syrup Sushi Spoon - Translation not available, apologies.

Sweet and sour tartar with white currant vinegar - Translation not available, apologies.

Blackcurrant Coulis Gourmet Square - Translation not available, apologies.

Melon with Blackcurrant vinegar - Translation not available, apologies.

Recette de la maman de madame Caroline Bindèle (origines normandes)
L’association « vinaigre – melon (ou légumes secs) » a pour origine le côté paternel de ma famille.
Du côté de ma mère, cette habitude serait liée à la conservation des aliments — Elle est issue d’une famille de pêcheurs qui partaient pendant plusieurs jours en mer –.
Nous avons testé récemment cette recette avec un bon melon, bien sucré, que nous avons agrémenté de vinaigre de cassis ainsi que de vinaigre à la sève d’érable.
Verdict : Les deux étaient très bons.
• Comme prévu, j’ai préféré le melon-cassis. Notre melon étant bien sucré, le contraste acide-sucré était très agréable.
• Mon époux, qui apprécie moins les saveurs acides, a préféré le melon-érable.
Bonne dégustation !
France & Vincent
Cherry Lemon Drop
In a shaker or glass with ice, mix:
– 1oz Vodka
– 3/4oz lemon juice
– 3/4oz simple syrup
– 1/2oz Captain Joe cherry liqueur
Strain and serve with a squeeze of lemon.
Kir Royal
In a glass;
– 1/2oz blackcurrant liqueur (or cherry for an original idea!)
– Fill with dry sparkling wine or champagne, iced
Island Spritz
1/2oz Mariana Zest
1/2oz Captain Joe's crème de cassis
3oz Prosecco
1oz Soda
1 candied orange
1 green olive