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Du Capitaine Joe Alcohols

Sour Cherry Liqueur

crème cerise biologique

« "When I create an alcohol recipe, my objectif is to conserve all the natural flavour of the fruit, whether it's blackcurrant or cherry. For the latter, I reduced the amount of alcohol, in relation to the blackcurrant liqueur, so that the cherry is the star of the show - which gives the alcohol a very fine taste, not very sweet. For the pros, I would even add the pits of the cherries is reminiscent of the taste of hazelnuts. " says Vincent Noel, Owner and Distiller.

For sale at The Boutique Du Capitaine

Pour it on ice cream / add it to whip cream / add to sparkling water or a tonic / or enjoy alone on ice!

creme de cerises biologiques distillerie du capitaine
crème cassis biologique du capitaine

Blackcurrant Liqueur

For sale at The Boutique Du Capitaine

Couvrir sa crème glacée de crème de cassis / en ajouter à une crème fouettée / ajouter à une bière blanche, un vin blanc ou un champagne / comme ingrédient dans une sangria/  Blackcurrant Liqueur Verrine

on distille l’esprit de nos fruits,
De nos champs à vos cocktails

distillerie du capitaine

Blackcurrant Water of Life (White Brandy)

eau de vie de cassis biologique distillerie du capitaine

For sale at The Boutique Du Capitaine

Ideal for a flambé over fruit or cake / to macerate fresh fruits / as a "Normand Hole" - in which you can replace Calvados, which is also a Water of Life made of Apples, by our Blackcurrant Water of Life.

brandy de cassis biologique distillerie du capitaine

Blackcurrant Brandy

For sale at The Boutique Du Capitaine

Cocktails / flambé / digestif

Nouveau! – Gin de cassis –

Nouveau! – EAU DE VIE DE POIRE –